She has always been around having worked in the Malayalam film industry along with some Bollywood, Tamil and Telugu films too interspersed for good measure. Isha Talwar shot to fame as Madhuri Yadav in Amazon Prime Video’s Mirzapur. She is gearing up to pique us all again, this time with the Disney + Hotstar series, Saas, Bahu Aur Flamingo. As the badi bahu Bijli, Isha reigns in some actual punches and aplomb in the trailer. On the fashion front, Isha goes on to show how confidence and experimentalism with respect to neo-prints, patterns, hues and cuts can add varied layers to one’s style. She also loves Indian fabrics and weaves owing to their wearability. And it was exactly what she proved for the promotions of Saas, Bahu Aur Flamingo. She chose a Mangalagiri cotton hand-block printed co-ord set from the homegrown label, Jodi Life and upped the look with edgy nose jewellery and braids.
The grungy, soft-as-a-cloud wardrobe is empowering, strong and extremely comfortable to wear. Styled by Sobia Ameen, Isha’s glam squad featured makeup artist Nikita Kapoor and hairstylist Pooja Parmar. Here’s a closer look at Isha’s vibe.
Grunge chic – Isha Talwar
It was the pegasus co-ord set retailing at Rs.15,680 from Jodi Life featuring a graphic printed oversized long shirt and matching culottes. The set composed of Mangalagiri cotton fabric featured Jaipuri hand-block printed patterns. She upped the look with silver jewellery featuring a nose pin or mookuthi worth Rs.4,500, a petal dot ring and a necklace from Baka. She finished the look with neon orange cross-strap heels worth Rs.7750 from the Anaita Shroff Adajania x SKO collaboration, braids and nude glam.
Style notes – Isha Talwar
Bold, beautiful, and most importantly: functional. Grunge fashion is back and we’re not talking only about the clothes. It extends to jewellery and adds on elements like Isha did with hers. Inspired by her role as a Rajasthani bahu, we love how Isha added a layer of authenticity through the traditional dotted tattoos on her neck and hands.
The Homi Adajania-directed crime drama series, Saas, Bahu Aur Flamingo has been produced by Dinesh Vijan under Maddock Films. It features an ensemble cast of Dimple Kapadia, Radhika Madan, Isha Talwar, Angira Dhar, Deepak Dobriyal, Monica Dogra and Naseeruddin Shah. It will premiere on Disney+ Hotstar on 5 May 2023.