She is a designated global newsmaker of our times. Even on a regular day, Priyanka Chopra goes on to command our attention. But today, she pulled out all the stops in Maison Valentino at the Met Gala 2023. A perpetual red carpet glamazon, Priyanka Chopra Jonas whips up a sartorial storm that’s rife with high-octane glamour with a signature sass to boot. She throws in an affable charm, quick wit and a bright smile for a good measure while posing for paps on the red carpet. Priyanka Chopra’s experimental but always chic fashion arsenal is courtesy of her collaboration with some of the most sought-after fashion stylists. For the moment it is Rebecca Corwin and the duo are delivering a masterclass on monochrome brilliance one after another. A rather mature take from Priyanka’s previous tidings, we love this sublime yet sophisticated vibe. Her glam was helmed by makeup artist Sarah Tanno and hairstylist Bridget Brager.
The theme of the Met’s spring 2023 exhibition celebrated the late legend, Karl Lagerfeld and was titled ‘Karl Lagerfeld: A Line of Beauty’. The exhibition paid tribute to his genius through his most iconic designs. The Met Gala 23 theme seemed very fitting for a vintage moment. Since Lagerfeld was a master of monochrome dressing, often seen in head-to-toe black or white, credited to having created a sleek, streamlined silhouette that was both modern and timeless.
Monochrome Monday – Priyanka Chopra Jonas
It was a black cady strapless dress with black bow detail and leather gloves along with a black faille cape with a white bow. Her hairdo was replete with black satin bows while her makeup featured flushed cheeks and pink lips. She completed the look with baubles from Bulgari and black heels.
Meanwhile, Nick opted for a Valentino black tie blazer, trousers and black silk faille tie and was styled by Sydney Lopez.
On the professional front, Priyanka Chopra Jonas is currently seen in Citadel, an American science-fiction action-thriller television series created by David Weil for Amazon Prime Video As Citadel agent Nadia Sinh, she shares screen space with fellow agent Mason Kane essayed by Richard Madden. The series was renewed for a second season recently. The first season featuring six episodes premiered with two episodes on April 28, 2023.